mojokerto child in Chinese
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- as a child
- 当还是个小孩的时候
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- child
- n. (pl. children ) 1.孩子,儿童,胎儿,婴儿。 2.孩子气的人,幼稚的人。 3.子孙;后裔;(空想等的)产物。 4.追随者,崇拜者,弟子。 5.某个时代的产物。 短语和例子 a forward child早熟[慧]儿。 a male [female] child男[女]孩。 a natural child私生子。 a spoilt child宠...
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- with child
- 怀孩子了; 怀孕; 有孩子
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What is the meaning of mojokerto child in Chinese and how to say mojokerto child in Chinese? mojokerto child Chinese meaning, mojokerto child的中文,mojokerto child的中文,mojokerto child的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by